Header  Katrina Tagget
...Your Life Matters
Katrina Tagget Memorial Foundation

Katrina Tagget Memorial Foundation Events for 2013

 Click here for Art for Life Flyer


·         MSU RCPD Awards Ceremony, Michigan  (4/12)

·         Art for Life at Grass Roots, Columbia, Maryland (4/14, 4/24)

·         Katrina’s 25th birthday (4/30)

May – Mental Health Month


·         National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day (5/9)

·         National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) Walk, Baltimore (5/12)


·         AFSP National Out of the Darkness Walk at Washington DC  (6/1-6/2)

Art for Life at Grass Roots, Columbia, Maryland (6/9, 6/19)

·         National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (6/25)



·         Art for Life at Grass Roots, Columbia, Maryland (7/14, 7/24)

·         Kara Tagget Open (7/23)

September – National Drug Addiction and Recovery Month

·         September 9-15: National Suicide Prevention Week (9/8-9/14)

·         World Suicide Prevention Day; Open House at Grass Roots (9/10?)

·        5 th anniversary of Katrina’s death (9/20)

·         See flyer for the dates for the AFSP Out of the Darkness Community Walks, Maryland 


·         Maryland Annual Suicide Prevention Conference (10/3)

·         National Depression Screening Day (10/10)

·         Walk for Suicide Prevention with Team Katrina "Kara" (10/5)

·         Mental Health Awareness Week (10/7-10/13)

·         Active Minds' 6th National Day without Stigma (10/7)

·         "Here One Day"  Documentary sponsored by NAMI (10/9)

·         You-Are-Loved Chalk Message Project is an annual, nationwide suicide-prevention awareness project that supports LGBTQ youth. (TBD)





·         Active Minds' National 'Mental Health on Campus' Conference (11/15-11/18)

·         International Survivors of Suicide Day (11/17)

·         Rita Project at Grass Roots, Columbia, Maryland (11/20)



·         Worldwide Candle Lighting Service for all children who have died (12/9)

Rita Project at Grass Roots, Columbia, Maryland (12/18)


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Event Information
Kara Tagget Open


AFSP Walks



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The Katrina Tagget Memorial Foundation is a 501c3  tax exempt foundation.  Donations made are tax deductible. Tax ID 26-4545775.